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Returning to Your First Love

Writer's picture: Sylvia SmithSylvia Smith

Updated: Nov 27, 2020

I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary. Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” Revelation 2:2-4. NKJV

The church at Ephesus would be a model church by today's standards. It was known for its religious zeal and perseverance in the face of apparent opposition. Moreover, God complimented the church for its commitment to defending the truth of the gospel and opposing false teachers. However, the church had allowed its ministry for the Lord to replace its devotion to him. They were doing the right things, but somewhere along the way, they had lost their heart for God.

God wants more than our service. he wants our undivided love. We are to love him completely and give him first place in our hearts. (Matt. 22:37). Loving God with all of our heart, mind, and soul leaves little room for divided emotions, perfunctory service, and halfhearted devotion. Either we are all in or we are not in it at all by God's standards. This truth is illustrated further when God rebukes the church of the Laodiceans. (Rev. 3:14-16). The church had become comfortable in their relationship with God. They allowed their material blessings to dull their passion. Further, they mistakenly believed that their possessions were proof that their actions were pleasing to God.

God asked the Ephesus church to consider how far they had fallen and to repent. (v. 5). Today, the Ephesus church is remembered as the loveless church. Sadly, the Ephesus problem exists in many churches today where programs and activities take precedence over authentic worship and genuine devotion. When love for God becomes secondary to our service to him, we are in danger of leaving our first love. It is easy to fall into the trap of doing ministry for the sake of doing ministry. God’s admonition to the church at Ephesus should serve as a warning for us today. Labor without love is meaningless in God's economy. Although he praised them for their works, God strictly warned the church of the consequences of continuing on its current path.

This Scripture should also remind us that love for God is the most important aspect of our relationship with him. God is calling us to return to him, to rekindle our passion for him, and to give him first place in our lives. During this time when many churches are unable to gather for corporate worship, it is imperative that we remain engaged and spiritually connected to God. We cannot allow our hearts to grow cold toward him. There are many things to distract us from spending quality time in prayer and fellowship with God. However, we must intentionally focus on deepening our relationship by replacing our usual church activity with personal devotion. As we do this, we will find that worship takes on a new dimension. As we meditate on God’s goodness, our hearts will overflow with love and our works will be energized by our passion for him.

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James Woodley
James Woodley
Jan 21, 2021

Thank you Doctor Smith for encouraging words to help us stay focus on what is important.


Jan 20, 2021

This is awesome Minister Syl. It really blessed me.


Jan 19, 2021

Beautiful as always...and once again, Happy Birthday. I notice in your “About Me” section, you said you are not a musician. I beg to differ. I’ve heard you play. Claim EVERYTHING God has given you. You love music and you need to know that no real musician is ever satisfied with what we already know. Stay thirsty and keep learning. I love you dearly!


Nov 18, 2020

What an awesome word.... And very relevant for today.. Put God first.. Love God the father above all.


James Woodley
James Woodley
Nov 17, 2020

Wonderful word

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